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Machine intended for the preparation, for example, of the decoration mixes in a ceramic environment, or of inks in a screen printing environment, but also widely used in various production sectors (chemicals, cosmetics, etc.) Available in two versions: R50 Hardened and hard chromium-plated steel rollers, ø 50 mm. length 190 mm. Approximate hourly production, from 7 to 10 kg R80 Hardened and hard chromium-plated steel rollers, ø 80 mm. length 250 mm. Approximate hourly production: from 18 to 25 kg / h    

Laboratory oven built with a steel structure painted in fire at 180 ° C with paints scratch-resistant epoxy.

Thermal insulation is provided in ceramic fiber and low-density refractory bricks.

For the CVK-N and CVK-N / S models, the heating parts are composed of Kanthal-type spiral-wound electric resistors.

For the CVK-N / SCS model the heating parts are composed of silicon carbide electric resistors.

With this oven, it is possible to simulate the entire cooking curve of a continuous industrial oven.

Oven equipped with an easily settable control panel.

Various models available (firing volume and maximum temperature).


The oven consists of a sturdy steel structure which encloses the thermal insulation consisting of bricks low density refractories and preformed fiber sheets highly temperature and shock resistant ceramic thermal.

The oven comprises zones having different characteristics and precisely:

  • smoke entry and evacuation area
  • preheating area
  • cooking zone
  • cooling zone

In all models the heating elements in the cooking zone are in Silicon Carbide allowing these furnaces to be able to operate up to a maximum temperature of 1330 ° C

Optional: Management of the oven using a PC

Various models available (maximum sample size and number of zones).

Water veil cabin in stainless steel with water recirculation dust suppression system.

Useful working width: 97 × 70 cm in depth.

0.5 Hp water recirculation pump.

Complete with settling tank for recirculation and waste water disposal.


Power supply 400 V three-phase, 50 Hz.


PEI abrasion meter, for determining the abrasion resistance of ceramic glazed surfaces

Suitable for carrying out tests according to the P.E.I. (wet). UNI EN ISO 10545-7 standard.

Rotating units with digital electronic pre-selection pulse counter adjustment, with LED display.

Electronics with inverter for precise regulation of the number of revolutions.

Model with 1 test group.

Model with 3 test groups.

For a professional view of the test result, we recommend the combination with the PEIBOX/B cabin.


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