Technologies and services for the ceramic industry
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Technologies and services for the ceramic industry
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Mon-Fr: 8:30 - 12:30 / 14:00 - 18:00
Via Falzarego, 9/9A - 41049 Sassuolo (MO) Italy
I1 Basic 3 = perfect measurement solution to be integrated with a color profile processing software.
I1 Photo 3 = Measurement and profiling solution for all input peripherals (monitors, scanners, photographic machines).
I1 Publish 3 = Complete solution that also allows printer profiling.
More details in the attached file.
All tools are also available in PLUS version (larger reading area).
Eye-One instruments can be combined with the X-Rite I1IO automatic reading table
A premium industrial line of imagesetters for flexographic and corrugated printing, achieving large-format prints at a true 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution. Available in sizes ranging from 18.25” to 54”, the XE series efficiently produces top-of-the-line film separations, right in your shop and at nearly unlimited length. EXILE’s thermal imagesetter technology provides you with an environmentally friendly printing solution, eliminating the need for a darkroom or chemicals.
The RM200QC Imaging Spectro Colorimeter is designed to ensure stable comparison of colors on materials and products, whenever color control is important.
Practical and pocket-sized tool is perfect for laboratory or in-line color checking.
System with 45 ° / 0 geometry and LED light source, with reading spot of 4 and 8 mm.
With USB interface that allows the instrument to be recharged and the measurements to be downloaded to the computer.
– verification of color stability throughout the entire production process.
– immediate quality control with Pass / Fail procedure.
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