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  • Proprietary solution developed according to the demands and needs of ceramics, this software is a precise and certified answer to the problem of color management in ceramics. It can be integrated with the best measuring instruments on the market (such as X-Rite’s I1 solutions or Barbieri’s spectrophotometers) and with the spectral scanner, it allows you to create color profiles and make quick and precise conversions directly in the software itself. Perfect for making the most of the print color gamut, ideal when the need is to correct a product in production or to transfer an approved product from one working condition to another (device link)

    • Complete range of professional solutions for ceramic workflow management.Solutions for measuring and calculating four-color and multichannel ICC profiles.Color profiles that can be used for displaying, assigning and converting the color “in the ceramic field”.Color measurement and profiling tools available in different variants:

      I1 Basic 3 = perfect measurement solution to be integrated with a color profile processing software.

      I1 Photo 3 = Measurement and profiling solution for all input peripherals (monitors, scanners, photographic machines).

      I1 Publish 3 = Complete solution that also allows printer profiling.

      More details in the attached file.

      All tools are also available in PLUS version (larger reading area).

      Eye-One instruments can be combined with the X-Rite I1IO automatic reading table




  • We select and offer the best flatbed scanners on the market, evaluating them based on our ceramic experience.Quality hardware, with assistance and spare parts service guaranteed for years, for a product that allows you to acquire an existing subject while preserving and highlighting the graphic texture and colors of the same.

A premium industrial line of imagesetters for flexographic and corrugated printing, achieving large-format prints at a true 1200 x 1200 dpi resolution. Available in sizes ranging from 18.25” to 54”, the XE series efficiently produces top-of-the-line film separations, right in your shop and at nearly unlimited length. EXILE’s thermal imagesetter technology provides you with an environmentally friendly printing solution, eliminating the need for a darkroom or chemicals.


The RM200QC Imaging Spectro Colorimeter is designed to ensure stable comparison of colors on materials and products, whenever color control is important.

Practical and pocket-sized tool is perfect for laboratory or in-line color checking.

System with 45 ° / 0 geometry and LED light source, with reading spot of 4 and 8 mm.

With USB interface that allows the instrument to be recharged and the measurements to be downloaded to the computer.



– verification of color stability throughout the entire production process.

– immediate quality control with Pass / Fail procedure.




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