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Automatic instrument for determining the bulk density (porosity) of unfired ceramic tiles, mod. DDA / 2 (without the use of mercury). The instrument determines the bulk density of the analyzed sample, by means of double weighing in air and hydrostatics. A special slow-absorbing liquid is used that allows the sample to be weighed before the measurement can be affected by the absorption of the liquid itself. Technical features:

  • Suspended weighing system by means of a load cell
  • Balance calibration using 100g calibration weight (optional)
  • Immersion weighing by automatic lifting and lowering of the container containing the liquid.
  • Acquisition of values ​​and automatic calculation of bulk density
  • Operator panel with touch screen display
  • Sample support fork in stainless steel
  • Liquid container in stainless steel
  • Powder coated steel structure
  • 4 feet of leveling and spherical bubble
  • Safety door with microswitch
  • Data output for connection to external printer (optional)
  • Power supply 230V 50 Hz

Vernier calipers with micrometric screw for precise measurements. Made of hardened stainless steel.

Vernier 1/50.

Various sizes available.

Electronic centesimal vernier calipers, for precise digital measurements. Made of hardened stainless steel, they have a screen with LCD display.

Equipped with zero button, measurement unit conversion button (mm / inch) and on / off button.

Various sizes available.

The oven consists of a sturdy steel structure which encloses the thermal insulation consisting of bricks low density refractories and preformed fiber sheets highly temperature and shock resistant ceramic thermal.

The oven comprises zones having different characteristics and precisely:

  • smoke entry and evacuation area
  • preheating area
  • cooking zone
  • cooling zone

In all models the heating elements in the cooking zone are in Silicon Carbide allowing these furnaces to be able to operate up to a maximum temperature of 1330 ° C

Optional: Management of the oven using a PC

Various models available (maximum sample size and number of zones).


Bullers pyrometric rings.

They are the best temperature / time measurement system in all firing processes of ceramic products.


The PTCR pyrometric rings have approximately the same characteristics and the same use as the rings

Bullers. They are smaller in size, and their measurement is performed with a digital millesimal micrometer.


Laboratory instrument suitable for carrying out tests according to the P.E.I method, European Standards, Standard EN154, on three samples simultaneously.

For a professional view of the test result, we recommend the combination with the PEIBOX/B cabin.



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