The RM200QC Imaging Spectro Colorimeter is designed to ensure stable comparison of colors on materials and products, whenever color control is important. Practical and pocket-sized tool is perfect for laboratory or in-line color checking. System with 45 ° / 0 geometry and LED light source, with reading spot of 4 and 8 mm. With USB interface that allows the instrument to be recharged and the measurements to be downloaded to the computer. Uses: – verification of color stability throughout the entire production process. – immediate quality control with Pass / Fail procedure.
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Gauges suitable for measuring the diameter of nozzles for burners, atomizers, etc.
Various sizes available.
Various models with different accuracy and range.
Common features:
– Automatic tare over the entire range.
– Serial RS232 interface as standard.
– Filters for weighing in particular conditions and for dosing
– Selectable measurement units.
– LCD display with backlight.
– Operation with external power supply or internal rechargeable battery both supplied.
Power supply 230V 50/60 Hz