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The portable differential micromanometer model MA / 202 uses a silicon piezoelectric sensor, which allows to measure both the static pressure and the differential pressure. Features:

  • Scale from 0 to 1000 mm / H20, with reading 0.1 mm / H20 up to 200 mm / H20. Beyond, the reading is 1mm/H20.
  • Digital reading with alphanumeric LCD display.
  • N. 5 selectable measurement units: mm. H20 (mm. CA.) hPa-mbar – mm Hg – PSI.

Equipment used for sharpening screen printing squeegees used both on manual printing bases and on semi-automatic printing bases.

Solid steel structure, with manual movement sharpening wheel

Power supply: 400V 50 / 60Hz

Oven equipped with different firing zones with different temperatures (thermal gradient), which follow the same firing cycle.


  • Equipped with 6 independent heating cells;
  • Possibility of setting and managing gradients of up to 15 ° C between cell and cell
  • Possibility of carrying out rapid cycles with times of reaching the maximum temperature from a minimum of 60 minutes to a maximum of 180 minutes.
  • Possibility to manage the oven even from a distance.
  • Firing area size 150x600x110 mm



Bullers pyrometric rings.

They are the best temperature / time measurement system in all firing processes of ceramic products.


The PTCR pyrometric rings have approximately the same characteristics and the same use as the rings

Bullers. They are smaller in size, and their measurement is performed with a digital millesimal micrometer.


The PEIBOX/B is the perfect booth to view the specimens abraded according to the PEI method, compliant with the ASTM C1027-99 and UNI EN ISO 10545-7 standards.

The instrument is supplied with the intensity of regulation adjusted in accordance with the standard.

Perfect complement to our AP-18PEI100-300 and PEI3 abrasive meters.

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