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Flame photometer BWB XP

The BWB XP is the first and only 5-channel flame photometer with simultaneous detection and display of all 5 elements. The BWB XP was designed from the ground up, using new, innovative and modern technology to deliver unsurpassed levels of accuracy, usability and reliability while significantly reducing analysis time. Our customers don’t have to waste valuable time on filter replacement and recalibration when a different measurement is required. Our flame photometers are used to measure lithium, sodium, potassium, calcium and barium.  

Equipment used for sharpening screen printing squeegees used both on manual printing bases and on semi-automatic printing bases.

Solid steel structure, with manual movement sharpening wheel

Power supply: 400V 50 / 60Hz

Laboratory ovens suitable for cooking with rapid cycles.

The temperature and cooking cycle are controlled by a microprocessor programmer mod. K1PX with which it is possible to set 4 cooking cycles composed, each, of 8 STEPS.

Optional: Indirect forced cooling with automatic chimney control included

Optional: Direct forced cooling with automatic chimney control included

Optional: Automatic chimney management

Optional: Automatic management of the controlled atmosphere

Optional: Automatic vacuum management (Vacuum pump included)

Optional: PC management software (PC excluded)

Various models available (firing zone size and maximum temperature).

The RM200QC Imaging Spectro Colorimeter is designed to ensure stable comparison of colors on materials and products, whenever color control is important.

Practical and pocket-sized tool is perfect for laboratory or in-line color checking.

System with 45 ° / 0 geometry and LED light source, with reading spot of 4 and 8 mm.

With USB interface that allows the instrument to be recharged and the measurements to be downloaded to the computer.



– verification of color stability throughout the entire production process.

– immediate quality control with Pass / Fail procedure.



Mechanical shaft stirrer with LED display.

Maximum stirring rate of 20 Litres.

Agitation rate adjustable from 50 to 2,200 rpm with a power of 50W.

Overheating motor overload indicator light.

Upper passage hole for stirring rods.

Supplied complete with steel spindle and relative key.

Degree of protection IP 42. 220V power supply.

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