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For grinding medium-hard and fragile materials such as clays, grits, terracotta chamotte, scrap, insulators, coal, limestone, kaolin, slag, etc. The degree of fineness is related to the type of sieve used. The production depends on the fineness to be obtained, and can indicatively vary from 5 to 30 Kg / h. The incoming material must have a maximum size of 20/25 mm Hammer mill model HM/530/C General features: – Grinding chamber ø 150 mm. – Rotor with n. 3 adjustable and interchangeable distance hammers Hammer mill HMV / 530 / C as a basic model but with the following variants: Electric control panel with main switch, start and stop buttons and potentiometer for adjusting the rotation speed.    

Laboratory oven built with a steel structure painted in fire at 180 ° C with paints scratch-resistant epoxy.

Thermal insulation is provided in ceramic fiber and low-density refractory bricks.

For the CVK-N and CVK-N / S models, the heating parts are composed of Kanthal-type spiral-wound electric resistors.

For the CVK-N / SCS model the heating parts are composed of silicon carbide electric resistors.

With this oven, it is possible to simulate the entire cooking curve of a continuous industrial oven.

Oven equipped with an easily settable control panel.

Various models available (firing volume and maximum temperature).


Laboratory ovens suitable for cooking with rapid cycles.

The temperature and cooking cycle are controlled by a microprocessor programmer mod. K1PX with which it is possible to set 4 cooking cycles composed, each, of 8 STEPS.

Optional: Indirect forced cooling with automatic chimney control included

Optional: Direct forced cooling with automatic chimney control included

Optional: Automatic chimney management

Optional: Automatic management of the controlled atmosphere

Optional: Automatic vacuum management (Vacuum pump included)

Optional: PC management software (PC excluded)

Various models available (firing zone size and maximum temperature).

The RM200QC Imaging Spectro Colorimeter is designed to ensure stable comparison of colors on materials and products, whenever color control is important.

Practical and pocket-sized tool is perfect for laboratory or in-line color checking.

System with 45 ° / 0 geometry and LED light source, with reading spot of 4 and 8 mm.

With USB interface that allows the instrument to be recharged and the measurements to be downloaded to the computer.



– verification of color stability throughout the entire production process.

– immediate quality control with Pass / Fail procedure.



The PEIBOX/B is the perfect booth to view the specimens abraded according to the PEI method, compliant with the ASTM C1027-99 and UNI EN ISO 10545-7 standards.

The instrument is supplied with the intensity of regulation adjusted in accordance with the standard.

Perfect complement to our AP-18PEI100-300 and PEI3 abrasive meters.

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