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Suitable for determining the percentage humidity of finely ground materials used by industries ceramics, cement factories, crushers, etc., and in general in any production process where there are reducible substances a fine grain sizes. The operating principle is based on the reaction between water and the refined calcium carbide with which the devices work, which develops acetylene gas.  

Vernier calipers with micrometric screw for precise measurements. Made of hardened stainless steel.

Vernier 1/50.

Various sizes available.

Electronic centesimal vernier calipers, for precise digital measurements. Made of hardened stainless steel, they have a screen with LCD display.

Equipped with zero button, measurement unit conversion button (mm / inch) and on / off button.

Various sizes available.

Oven equipped with different firing zones with different temperatures (thermal gradient), which follow the same firing cycle.


  • Temperature uniformity within each of the 6 cells of approximately +/- 2 / 2.5 ° C;
  • Possibility of setting and managing minimum gradients of 10 ° C and maximum of 60 ° C between cell and cell
  • Possibility of carrying out rapid cycles with times of reaching the maximum temperature of +/- 20 minutes and a maximum of 5 hours.
  • Possibility to program the cooling (optional)
  • Management of the cooking cycle entrusted to a computer equipped with a touch screen
  • Possibility of filing the results obtained in the various cells during the thermal cycles; test date and material tested
  • Possibility of firing samples with a maximum size of 40 x 80 mm.


For the percentage determination of calcium carbonate in clays used in the ceramic and brick industry, and in other products such as limestone, marl, earth in general, sands, etc.


Consisting of base, graduated volume tank (0/100 cc), breather, and upper reagent tank, 5 cc sample holder test tube.

Total height 680 mm.

Net weight 0.7 kg



Consisting of a base with metal rods, sample bottle, reagent holder tube, graduated glass beaker for cooling water, cooling coil, graduated volume tank (0/200 cc) and leveling tank or vent water collection.

Dimensions 400x220x1000 mm.

Net weight 12 kg


Bullers pyrometric rings.

They are the best temperature / time measurement system in all firing processes of ceramic products.


The PTCR pyrometric rings have approximately the same characteristics and the same use as the rings

Bullers. They are smaller in size, and their measurement is performed with a digital millesimal micrometer.


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