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Laboratory jaw crusher, used for crushing aggregates, mineral samples and other materials, even very hard. The mouth measures 100×60 mm and the hourly production varies from 100 to 400 kg according to the type of material. The opening of the jaws can be adjusted from 2 to 15 mm. Cast iron structure, manganese jaws.  

Laboratory ovens suitable for cooking with rapid cycles.

The temperature and cooking cycle are controlled by a microprocessor programmer mod. K1PX with which it is possible to set 4 cooking cycles composed, each, of 8 STEPS.

Optional: Indirect forced cooling with automatic chimney control included

Optional: Direct forced cooling with automatic chimney control included

Optional: Automatic chimney management

Optional: Automatic management of the controlled atmosphere

Optional: Automatic vacuum management (Vacuum pump included)

Optional: PC management software (PC excluded)

Various models available (firing zone size and maximum temperature).

Oven equipped with different firing zones with different temperatures (thermal gradient), which follow the same firing cycle.


  • Equipped with 6 independent heating cells;
  • Possibility of setting and managing gradients of up to 15 ° C between cell and cell
  • Possibility of carrying out rapid cycles with times of reaching the maximum temperature from a minimum of 60 minutes to a maximum of 180 minutes.
  • Possibility to manage the oven even from a distance.
  • Firing area size 150x600x110 mm


Gauges suitable for measuring the diameter of nozzles for burners, atomizers, etc.

Various sizes available.



Laboratory instrument suitable for carrying out tests according to the P.E.I method, European Standards, Standard EN154, on three samples simultaneously.

For a professional view of the test result, we recommend the combination with the PEIBOX/B cabin.



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