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  • Seed inkjet Defender 100 è una soluzione modulare studiata per la pressurizzazione della cabina della stampante digitale ceramica.Composta da un sistema di trattamento dell’aria e da un dinamico ed intelligente sistema di controllo, questa soluzione permette di:
    • Mantenere l’ambiente a temperatura e umidità predefinita
    • Crea una pressione ambientale maggiore rispetto all’ambiente esterno, ciò blocca l’ingresso di polvere, calore ed umidità dall’esterno.

  • Cooling system to be installed before digital printers, used to lower the temperature and eliminate water vapor from the tile.This solution extends the life of the print heads and ensures a uniform and defect-free decoration.

    Composed as follows:

    • Innovative recirculation system
    • Air blades with anti-condensation system
    • Maximum heat exchange efficiency.
    • Covered with insulating panels for maximum energy efficiency.

    Available in various versions (cooling power, tile size, number of independent fans).



Pumps of the best brands, for ceramic digital printers.

The perfect solution when the need is to test the print quality of a digital printhead.

Perfect after cleaning in the event of a “head cleaning machine” not equipped with this important function, it is also perfect for laboratories that want to have full control over a fundamental component such as the print quality of the digital ceramic head.


Various models and brands on request for all digital ceramic printers.

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